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From the studio to the field: My first craft show is in the books!

Updated: Sep 10, 2023

Handcrafted & Homespun Market Report

After a short break to solve technical (i.e. kiln) difficulties I am proud to share that my first market booth was a success! On September 9th I was an official vendor of the Carrollton, KY Handcrafted & Homespun Market. I met other great vendors and had a ton of positive feedback on my pieces. Not to mention that several pieces went home to happy buyers! I couldn't have done it alone, of course, so a huge thanks to my family and friends who have been hands on in helping me prepare, set up and show up mentally and physically for this big day.

Me with my booth. Handcrafted & Homespun Market September 9, 2023

Along the way

This fair was an exciting mark of progress in my year, and really in the past three years, personally and professionally. I've been working through panic disorder since 2020, so being able to spend a full day in public, with a significant crowd of people was certainly a milestone for me. It wasn't easy, but I did it anyway with only a few interruptions to my calm. In the last three years I have also stepped out of a service management career to pursue creating art in pottery full-time. In between those decisions I have acquired my own kiln, two pottery wheels and set up my own studio space in Carrollton, Kentucky. As I said before, I wasn't alone in any of these endeavors and my thanks go out to those who have helped me by providing their time, labor and support.

What's Next?

For me and Jenny Powell Pottery the next week will be filled with photographing and uploading my newest pieces into the shop and gallery here. After that, more making, of course! I'm excited to further define and share my collections of work, "Decades", "Blurred Lines" and "Classic".

Thank you for joining me on this adventure.

Table set-up for Handcrafted & Homespun Market September 9, 2023

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